I AM BLISS. I AM LOVE. I AM ONE WITH GOD. I SURRENDER. I AM. What does doing community service, reading sacred texts, and singing praise songs all have in common? They are all yoga practices, specific to certain styles of yoga. Many people in the United States understand yoga as mainly the exercise of physical postures known as asana, and that is indeed yoga, too. Some people may know
Affirming Thyself: The Beauty of Self-Talk
I am confident. I am centered. I am the embodiment of the Divine. I surrender. I am. This week, we are starting to heal our solar plexus chakra in our Grow with Me’s free community. In the midst of healing, it is important to know the pros and cons of self-talk. The solar plexus chakra deals with self-esteem, self-confidence, identity, and self-control, so you can imagine what happensif it’s blocked and out of
8 Things to Know about the Dynamic Duo: Prayer + Meditation
I AM LIGHT I AM LOVE I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE DIVINE I SURRENDER I AM Two of the best surrendering techniques I have been taught throughout my life are prayer and meditation. They work in conjunction with each other to provide the best results. Prayer is a way to make your request known to the Divine. What do you desire? What are you grateful for? It’s a way
How to Find Love from Within?
I AM I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE DIVINE I AM LOVE I AM ENOUGH I AM There is something about those affirmations that causes you to smile inwardly to outwardly. To be love is a high calling. To allow oneself to be loved is another high calling. Each time I thought about love and this post, I was reminded of “I love because God first loved me,” -1 John 4:19. That’s where
How to Create the Sacred Sabbath in Your Busy Lives
I DESERVE REST. I LOVE MYSELF. I AM SURRENDERING TO THE FLOW OF LIFE. I AM As we are now at the end of January 2017, I have found that it is SOOOO HARD for us to find rest. We are still so worried about the past and the future, and we forget the importance and the limitless of the PRESENT. The present moment is the only moment that you
How to Prepare for What’s to Come in 2017
I AM FEARLESS I AM LOVE I AM READY TO MANIFEST MY ABUNDANCE This year there have been so many visionaries having visions and dreams about things to come in 2017. I, too, have had some visions about some occurrences that may happen in 2017 under the assumption that the world continues as it is, and I also have been given some instructions on ways we can prepare for what’s to come
The Ultimate Guide to Live Your Best Year
Today is a wonderful day full of joy and peace! I expect greatness and miracles to surround me. I am open to receive the abundance of life in its many manifestations. I am ready to let my light shine, so my light can grant freedom to others. Let thy will be done. Live Your Best Year I know annually we claim that each year will be better than the last.
4 Major Ways to Set Your Intentions for the New Year
I AM FREE I AM READY I SURRENDER Setting intentions are vital to your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual growth. What are you thinking about for the year of 2017? Some people frown on resolutions, and others, like myself, enjoy this time of annual reflection to consider my plan for the next year. There is nothing wrong with New Year’s resolution or setting intentions; the issue lies in the non-follow
5 Ways to Overcome Fear
I AM FEARLESS. I AM FREE. I AM ENOUGH. I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED. I SURRENDER. Say it aloud with passion and authority. A year ago, no one would have convinced me that I would be living in New Orleans for a period of time to fulfill a mission for God. I was given specific instructions on what I needed to do while I was there. I wasn’t told where
8 Ways to Stop Suffering in Silence
I AM HEALTHY I AM WHOLE I AM FREE I AM ENOUGH Repeat those words again with meaning and power. April 17, 2015 was a sunny, clear day that marked a massive change in my life. I was sitting at a red light; instantly, a truck going 65+mph struck my car from the rear. My head hit the steering wheel, and the remnant is a traumatic brain injury and still