Today is a wonderful day full of joy and peace! I expect greatness and miracles to surround me. I am open to receive the abundance of life in its many manifestations. I am ready to let my light shine, so my light can grant freedom to others. Let thy will be done.
Live Your Best Year
I know annually we claim that each year will be better than the last. For the most part, I hope that’s true for us. But in reality, we are in control of how much growth we experience within the scope of 365 days. Intentionality is key. Awareness is essential. Being present is the answer. So, how do we achieve those goals and manifest our desires on a daily basis?
Here are 11 quick additions to add to your daily routine. You can be intentional with one part, and then add the other portion. Eventually, all 11 will become an essential part of your day. It will become second nature to your existence.
Create a morning routine
Create a morning routine that’s reflective and nourishes you. For each person, it will be different. For me, I wake up with a morning surrendering prayer of gratitude. I meditate at least 20 minutes to ground myself, and then say my affirmations. If you haven’t received your morning self-care affirmations, be sure to sign up to receive them (click on the picture to the left). Your routine may include uplifting music that feeds your mind, body, soul, and spirit. I add my music throughout the day.
Find time for exercise
Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! Find some form of exercise that fits you. You do not have to be the best runner, swimmer, or yogi. Your body just needs movement to stay flexible and functional. Even if you take time to do some deep breaths in the morning or throughout the day and stretch, that’s a form of exercise. Your body will thank you. One thing I’ve learned is that I want my body to be in shape for whatever God calls me to do. A simple stretch exercise could be standing up to touch your toes, moving your arms in circles, and turning your head from side to side. A little goes a long way especially when it is consistent.
Reflect on who you need to be
We often forget that our dreams are bigger than who we currently are. What healing do you need to do? What new skills do you need to learn? This is the time to reflect and write down who you are and who you need to be. If you want to be financially prosperous or a millionaire, your mindset is one of the first things that need to change. Do you need to learn how to budget? Do you need to learn how to become more assertive? In other words, figure out your goals for the new year and what do you need to learn to get there.
Learn your strengths and weaknesses
This ties into the last point. Everyday is an opportunity to learn more about you. Each person you meet is a reflection of who you are. So, pay close attention to those who anger you, make you smile, or cause you to self-reflect. They tell you a little bit about you–your strengths and your weaknesses. Then, consider what do you need to change.
Laugh EVERYDAY. There are actual laughing coaching classes and exercising classes. This should tell you just how important laughing is for your daily existence. Each positive thought and positive emotion affect your brain activity and neuron connection. So laugh! Even if it’s a fake laugh in the mirror, eventually, it will turn real.
Love thy neighbor
I have noticed that nowadays people do random acts of kindness for the likes on facebook or followers on instagram. Everyone has his/her motive behind it. The main point is love thy neighbor. There should never be a day that you haven’t done something to add positively to someone’s life. You don’t need massive $$$ or a ton of degrees. You just need a willing heart. So, perform acts of kindness.
Be intentional about your time
Let’s face it–not everyone deserves your time. If you want to achieve your 2017 goals, your time is important. Plan accordingly and be intentional. Set aside time for those who matter and leave those who don’t behind. If people bring constant negativity and constant negative energy to your life, then learn what you need and detach from them. Cut those cords.
Get out your comfort zone
Say YES to something that scares you shitless (I needed to strongly get the point across). Life is not meant to be spent in a bubble. You will not reach your greatness and reveal thy true self by staying in your comfort zone. If you want to live your best year, you must take risks and say YES to scary things. I thoroughly enjoyed Shonda Rhimes’ book Year of Yes. That book will help anyone see the benefit of just saying more YES and less NO.
Ask for help
Pride can be your worst enemy at times. Do not let pride get in the way of your best year. Ask for help and be open to receiving the abundance of the universe. The more you are open to receiving, the more abundance will come. It’s a circular give and receive process. Therefore, if you need something, then just ask. The worst thing anyone can say is NO. That’s not the end of the world.
Surrender & Be present
The best and hardest part of living your best year is surrendering. For some reason, we enjoy always being on the move. We don’t know how to be still or detach from the outcome. Therefore, we are in a constant cycle of stress, fear, and worry. Stress, worry, and fear will lead you to live your worst year because you will not get anything productive done towards your life purpose. Being present means taking some time to listen to the person in front of you without thinking about what you are doing tomorrow. Look at the sky and watch the birds fly by. Smell the flowers that you pass everyday to work. Being attentive and aware of your surroundings and the people who you interact with daily. Surrendering is a process, and we’ll talk more about that at a later time. Everyday, surrender to the will of God and remain present to what occurs throughout the day. You’ll be amazed at just how pleasant your day will be.
Recall, Reflect, & Be Grateful
Before you go to bed, recall your day, reflect on what happened, and take time to be thankful. Beginning and ending your day on a good note is the key to maintaining peace and joy. Also, don’t go to sleep full of resentment, what-ifs, anger, or any unforgiveness. What you do each day sets you up for living your best year now.
If all of this is new to you, this could have been a lot to take in. So, I created a Live Your Best Year Daily Checklist that will help you jumpstart your year in the right direction. Remember what you do consistently everyday sets the tone for the rest of the year. These 11 quick ways will ultimately guideĀ you toward your best year yet. So, click on the picture to gain access to the Live Your Best Year Checklist which is in our FREE Resource Library.
Stay tuned for the FREE email course on Conquering Fear: Getting Out the EGO. If you would like to receive an update on when the FREE email course becomes available, sign-up below to receive updates, access to our growing resource library, and monthly āLetās Talkā newsletter. We are in a season of growing, empowering, and unveiling our true selves.
**Which of the 10 are you adding to your normal routine?
Comment below.**
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