I am free.

A few weeks ago, I went on a life-changing global trip to Belize. The students and I were traveling all over Belize (from the island to the jungle to the mainland). I went in the role as an instructor to connect the kids’ schema to the community of Belize; learning becomes meaningful, purposeful, and inclusive. As you may can guess, I was in for a meaningful treat as well.
Quick Belize Overview
Belize is a country in Central America, with a population of about 400,000 people (Belize.com, 2018). The citizens are kind, friendly, and just a breath of fresh air. The food is fresh, and the fresh juices are AMAZING! So, I’m sure you are thinking: why was I in my panic zone?
Fear, my Friend and the Panic Zone
There were a few instances in which I was in my absolute panic zone. I will mention three of them. Please note that each panic zone experience was a completely new experience for me. Right before my travels to Belize, I was still recovering from an auto-mobile accident, so I was taking things a little slower than usual.
Snorkeling and the beauty of breathing
Let’s be honest, the ocean is a beautiful place, but because of the magnitude of mother nature, it can be a source of your peace and a source of your danger. For me, the ocean usually serves as a place of healing and solace. For those who have snorkeled, you know that it involves the ocean and some snorkeling gear. I was fitted for my snorkeling gear, and I listened to the instructions. However, I am a kinesthetic and visual learner. I need to do it while you are giving instructions for everything to internalize. Now, we were in the ocean. There was a time that I forgot to breathe, and then I started to panic internally. I realized that I was trying to breathe through my nose again, which is my natural instinct to breathing, but when you snorkel, that goes out of the window. You breathe through the snorkel. Suddenly, I started noticing that I was not breathing. Panic, Panic, Panic alert… I can’t breathe. Oh No! I am in the MIDDLE of the ocean with all of these creatures and with these waves, and I am panicking. Panic came from my fear of the unknown of what COULD happen. Then, there was a pause. I told myself, “Natasha, breathe. Look down at the beauty of the ocean, and breathe through your mouth.” Instantly, I was back in my place of solace in the middle of the ocean with tons of animals that were just living their lives.
Breathing is under-rated. It’s a free health tool that takes a few seconds, and it can literally change and/or save your life. In the face of adversity, take a moment to breathe. Be aware of your breath, and instantly feel your heart beat slow down. Your mind will eventually clear.
Xunantunich (Stone Lady) and the beauty of self-talk

feel, and to see. It’s a 1 mile hike to get to the entrance of the site, and then to walk up the Castillo, it is more than 100 steps. (Note: it is not mandatory to walk up the Castillo, but the view is AMAZING.There is a guide who leads you through the Mayan ruins, and the guides are knowledgable and kind). Walking up the steps, I already decided that I was not going to go the entire way because I wasn’t sure about my body (or maybe that was an internal fear.) But, I decided to see if I could continue. I remembered my physical therapist voice, “Natasha, trust your body. You can do more than you think. It is not going to fail you or get injured.” So, I kept walking, around step #75, I started to panic again. I had on a heavy backpack, and my body was getting a little weary. This time, I’m about 70+ feet high, and people are behind me. My only logical choice was to continue. The conversation with myself went like this: “Natasha, take it one step at a time. Breathe. Trust your body. One step. There you go.” Once again, I was in the clear. My mind was clear, and I was determined to take one step at time. I MADE IT! I am about 130 feet high with a great view of Belize and Guatemala. Going back down was so much easier because the guide was very helpful in explaining the best way to return.
Overall, our self-talk determines our perspective and our body’s reactions. Choosing to speak positive and encourage myself allowed me to settle into a space of calmness, and it motivated me to continue past my anxiety. To learn more about the beauty of self-talk, take a peek at an earlier post about affirming thyself.
Belize Zoo Night Tour and the beauty of listening
Being able to experience the nocturnal wild life in Belize was an exceptional experience. I don’t want to spoil the experience for anyone, but it is worthwhile. The fears for me was being in the zoo at night with minimal light and not being able to see around me if needed (All Type A fears ). Another main fear was being bitten by insects because my body does not respond well to insect bites. With my headlamp on, I was ready to explore with my guide, who was very knowledgable. At the first stop, a swarm of insects seemingly came at me, and I panicked! Completely out of my comfort zone and now in my panic zone. One of the students looked at me, smiled, and said Doc “Try putting your headlamp in your hand like this. It will be a better experience for you.” I instantly listened, and he was right. I was able to see when it was needed, and fear did not win again.
Essentially, there is an art to listening. You are listening to understand and to move forward, not listening to respond and simply retort. Sometimes, when we are moving through life, the Universe has a way of speaking to us. The message may come in various forms, but even in the midst of fear, you can choose to listen. Often, when you listen and take heed, life begins to run a little smoother, and your fear(s) soon dissipates.
Lessons to Consider
- I had moments of fear during various moments while in Belize. If I were to view fear as an enemy, I would not have ever experienced so many new activities or learned new life-changing lessons about my life. Honestly, I would have stayed in the comfort of my home. I would never travel. Viewing fear as a friend allows fear to come along with you as a passenger. It helps when needed to keep you alert and aware of your internal and external climate and surroundings. However, fear also takes a back seat when you are ready to move forward and past your anxiety.
- Three main self-care tools were used during moments of panic, so that I could calm my mind and proceed past the anxiety. The tools were breathing, positive self-talk, and listening. Those tools can be used at any moment of your life to ensure that you are able to reach your goals and not let fear paralyze you.
- Throughout this journey of life, there are always reminders that we are on the right track. The Universe may give us a wink with various signs. For me in Belize, the Universe gave me three gifts, which were all surprises.
First Surprise:
Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by Meera Lee Patel
It is a 128 page interactive journal that includes a thought-provoking quote and question to explore. I am currently still working through it, and I am enjoying it. It is a nice journal to revisit for personal development that truly starts where you are.
Second Surprise:
I went to visit a smoothie and tea shop in Belize. I ordered an amazing Boba Green Tea with Mango Flavor and Strawberry Tapioca. YUMMY! This particular shop also writes a note on each customer’s cup. I do not believe in coincidences, so once I received my cup, I noticed the following. The tea was AMAZING. It tasted like LOVE (yes, there’s a distinct taste). My note stated, “ Believe in your potential” -my little message from God and the Universe.
Third Surprise:
MyIntent Stamped Brass Washer Bracelet
As an exercise, the kids were creating intents for their life. They asked me to participate. My bracelet stated “Potential.” The word “potential” reminds me to believe in my own potential and continue to bring out the potential in others. If you are interested in the MyIntent Bracelet kits, you can view them here.
Ultimately, viewing fear as a friend and not a foe can lead to some life-altering events. The majority of the time, the events are positive and will work out in your favor. I am a firm believer that life happens for us. Everything that life brings us is just a lesson for further personal development or simply self-enjoyment. Try allowing the fear to guide you instead of paralyze you, let me know how it goes.
Divine Blessings to You
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