I am free. I am self-aware. I accept my emotions. I allow my emotions to flow freely. I express my emotions freely and openly. If you need to take some time to repeat those affirmations again, please do so. ——— If you are like most of the world, you may get tired of hearing “How are you?” Or “How are you doing?” Simply, you may not even have an answer.
3 Ways to Plant Intentions that Will Change Your Life
I am intentional. I am faithful. I am powerful. Intentions are seeds that are planted in which you desire to grow. Intentions can be phrases, a single word, or a feeling. I have been setting intentions for quite a while. Each time I set the intention, it happens, which means there is something powerful about our words and our thoughts. The universe will conspire to set whatever our intention is
Fear as a Friend, not a Foe
**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission at NO extra cost to you. I only recommend products I personally use and love, or think my readers will find useful. All opinions remain my own.** I am fearless. I am limitless. I am free. In psychology and education, there are three distinctive
The Art of Letting Go
I am whole. I am well. I am letting go of all things that no longer serve me. I open myself up to the new opportunities that shall come. I surrender. I am. A few weeks ago, I had my unplugged heating pad on the bed. It was just lying there…lifeless…no juice…not working. I learned a few days before that the heating pad that I’ve had for a decade has
Affirming Thyself: The Beauty of Self-Talk
I am confident. I am centered. I am the embodiment of the Divine. I surrender. I am. This week, we are starting to heal our solar plexus chakra in our Grow with Me’s free community. In the midst of healing, it is important to know the pros and cons of self-talk. The solar plexus chakra deals with self-esteem, self-confidence, identity, and self-control, so you can imagine what happensif it’s blocked and out of