What is Feeding You? I AM SAFE. I AM LOVED. I AM FREE. I AM. Now, repeat those same affirmations again with power and authority. Say them again ALOUD while looking at yourself in the mirror. The self-care process has continued. Today, thus far, what have you allowed in your body, mind, soul, and spirit? Because you are a spirit being first, everything that you allow impacts your entire self–the
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Why Grow with Me, LLC & Self Care?
I AM LOVE I AM LIGHT I AM BECOMING I AM Now, repeat those same affirmations again with power and authority. Say them again ALOUD while looking at yourself in the mirror. Why Grow with Me,LLC and why Self-Care? GOD. That’s the simple one-word answer. Ultimately, it’s my purpose. It’s my testimony. It’s me. Grow with Me is about growing, maturing, becoming, and transforming into the woman that I am
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