I AM FREE I AM READY I SURRENDER Setting intentions are vital to your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual growth. What are you thinking about for the year of 2017? Some people frown on resolutions, and others, like myself, enjoy this time of annual reflection to consider my plan for the next year. There is nothing wrong with New Year’s resolution or setting intentions; the issue lies in the non-follow
5 Ways to Overcome Fear
I AM FEARLESS. I AM FREE. I AM ENOUGH. I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED. I SURRENDER. Say it aloud with passion and authority. A year ago, no one would have convinced me that I would be living in New Orleans for a period of time to fulfill a mission for God. I was given specific instructions on what I needed to do while I was there. I wasn’t told where
8 Ways to Stop Suffering in Silence
I AM HEALTHY I AM WHOLE I AM FREE I AM ENOUGH Repeat those words again with meaning and power. April 17, 2015 was a sunny, clear day that marked a massive change in my life. I was sitting at a red light; instantly, a truck going 65+mph struck my car from the rear. My head hit the steering wheel, and the remnant is a traumatic brain injury and still
What Is Feeding You?
What is Feeding You? I AM SAFE. I AM LOVED. I AM FREE. I AM. Now, repeat those same affirmations again with power and authority. Say them again ALOUD while looking at yourself in the mirror. The self-care process has continued. Today, thus far, what have you allowed in your body, mind, soul, and spirit? Because you are a spirit being first, everything that you allow impacts your entire self–the
Why Grow with Me, LLC & Self Care?
I AM LOVE I AM LIGHT I AM BECOMING I AM Now, repeat those same affirmations again with power and authority. Say them again ALOUD while looking at yourself in the mirror. Why Grow with Me,LLC and why Self-Care? GOD. That’s the simple one-word answer. Ultimately, it’s my purpose. It’s my testimony. It’s me. Grow with Me is about growing, maturing, becoming, and transforming into the woman that I am