Setting intentions are vital to your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual growth. What are you thinking about for the year of 2017? Some people frown on resolutions, and others, like myself, enjoy this time of annual reflection to consider my plan for the next year. There is nothing wrong with New Year’s resolution or setting intentions; the issue lies in the non-follow through. Create goals that are near and dear to your heart and your purpose. Those goals that are in alignment to your higher purpose are the goals that you are more inclined to achieve. So, we have about 5 good days to consider these four major ways to set your intentions for the coming New Year.
Setting Intentions for the New Year
Take sometime to reflect on what you want
Often times, when it comes to the New Year, people have instant goals based on material values or aesthetic beauty or careers. However, they rarely have taken the time to really pray and meditate on what their higher self really desires of them. Your higher self is the God-spirit that knows your exact purpose and mission while you are on this Earth.
Reflect on these questions:
- What happened this year that molded me into a better person?
- What happened this year that I could live without?
- What do I want in the year of 2017?
- Why do I want it?
- How will it help me to continue my purpose?
Take some deep breaths between each question and be ready to write the first answer that enters your mind. Your first instinct is usually the truth–your higher self. The thoughts following your first answer is the after thought. The after thought is usually the ego; it tries to rationalize everything. When the ego starts to enter, it starts doubting your dreams, then you are filled with FEAR. Don’t let fear win.
Consider who you are NOW and who you need to be to get what you want
Ask yourself: Who am I right now? Write down your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, it is helpful to ask those are closer to us to help us with our strengths and weaknesses. Do not take offense, just listen to the responses. Now, consider what you want in 2017. Who do you need to be to achieve those goals? What skill sets do you need to gain to ensure your success?
Make long term goals w/ short term goals + Deadlines
Long-term goals are the BIG goals. Create a few long-term goals for the year. Think about yourself holistically–your dreams, mentally, physically, emotionally, relationships, spiritually, etc. What do you want to achieve? Then, write down smaller goals under each big goal. Make them measurable and manageable; goals should be specific, measurable, agreed upon/attainable, realistic, and timely. It’s important to put deadlines by them as well. The more micro small goals with deadlines you have, the better.
Celebrate the small victories
An important aspect I had to learn to achieving goals–celebrating the process. It’s important to celebrate your goals that you do accomplish. Honor your hard work and achievements. Give thanks for how far you’ve come. Then, continue reaching your goals. You always want to take time to smell the roses and enjoy the present moment.
3 Frequently Common Mistakes:
-Creating selfish goals based on prosperity w/ no motive of helping
Everyone wants to make more money. How many people want to make more money to help humanity? Your motive behind your intention helps to set you up for success and an abundant universe. Remember Oprah, the billionaire, always asked for one thing: “Use me God; show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.” Then, she ultimately surrendered to the process, to the universe, and to God.
-HUGE goals with NO follow-up and NO plan
Each year we set goals with no plan, no follow-up, and no accountability. You want to start going to the gym everyday. By week 5, you are back to your original schedule which includes 0 gym time. Why? You have no accountability and no plan. Who is helping you to achieve your goals? What happens if you don’t make a deadline? Are you having monthly checks to ensure that you are on track to achieving your goals? Creating goals is your first step, but there are many steps along the way that will lead you to abundant success.
-Entering the year with the same mindset
Try something new for different results. Stop being afraid to try something that may help you clear your mind, increase your focus, shift your mindset to abundance, increase your abundance, and surrender to life. Try our self-care affirmations or meditation. Try a yoga class or a walk in the park. Do something that’s different than your norm.
A new year is approaching; it’s a new cycle of 365 days. Choose to live each day in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose. Be intentional and specific with setting your intentions for the New Year. Take action and watch life unfold beautifully before your eyes. Remember, we only have to do our part and surrender everything else. The magic will happen.
Stay tuned for the FREE email course on Conquering Fear: Getting Out the EGO. If you would like to receive an update on when the FREE email course becomes available, sign-up below to receive updates, access to our growing resource library, and monthly “Let’s Talk” newsletter. We are in a season of growing, empowering, and unveiling our true selves.
Be sure to set your intentions on this Sunday, Jan. 1 on our facebook page to win a 1 hour free self-care, growth coaching session.
**What are some of your intentions for the New Year?
Comment below.**
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I must say reading this was amazing! God surely speaks through you! #MustRead ????
Hey Deangelo,
I’m glad that it was beneficial to you. Thank you for visiting us and taking time to read our post.