I am whole.
I am well.
I am letting go of all things that no longer serve me.
I open myself up to the new opportunities that shall come.
I surrender.
I am.
A few weeks ago, I had my unplugged heating pad on the bed. It was just lying there…lifeless…no juice…not working. I learned a few days before that the heating pad that I’ve had for a decade has officially quit on me. I wasn’t ready to accept that reality, so I told myself, “It may just need to rest. Let me unplug it.” A week later, I looked back at my heating pad and tried it again. I plugged it up, and again, it no longer worked. So, I let it lie there while I was asleep. You maybe thinking, “Why didn’t you just throw it away and buy another one just like it?” I’m a few steps ahead of you. I looked online for the same heating pad, and it’s discontinued. Remember, I had it for at least a decade, and there was no buying another one. Another one for sale did not exist, so I looked at it on my bed wishing it would come back alive. It didn’t. Eventually, I said, “It’s time.” I had to let it go. I nicknamed it my boyfriend #1 because it has helped me through some excruciating pain and vital times in my life, and it has helped others with their pain and discomfort as well.
It was time…
It was time to let it go. It has served its time. It has completed its purpose. I realized that my next heating pad, which I currently have now, is different and more modern, but also it serves the same purpose with almost the same amount of heat and power given and with its own style. Although I still have the memories of my old heating pad, letting go of the old brought something new. Now, I will have new memories.
I know that life becomes more serious than a heating pad, but it’s the simple things that teach us the most profound lessons. I learned I was in denial that the heating pad no longer worked; I didn’t want to get rid of it, so I was holding on to the past thinking that it would miraculously come back to me, and finally, I reached acceptance.
To keep what’s no longer serving you is to keep you from your destiny
In your life, there are situations, things, and people that no longer serve you, no longer work for you, and no longer benefit you. To keep them is to keep you from your destiny. To keep them is to keep you from moving forward. To keep the things, situations, and people that no longer serve you is to stop you from receiving the things and people that DESIRE to enter your life. The new people will love you, cherish you, and honor you. The new things will assist in making some tasks easier, and they will help look out for your greater good. The new situations will leave you in a more joyous, peaceful state.
The new has come to replace the old.
Will you welcome it? Will you allow it? Will you let go of the old baggage?
It’s hard to let go of what has been in our lives for a long time. You have invested time, money, emotions, and yourself into it, but everything has its purpose and its season.
The Art of Letting Go
Here are some suggestions to assist you in letting go
- Breathe and Grieve. You cannot do anything in this lifetime if you do not breathe through it. Breathing teaches you that you are alive. You will be just fine without “it.” Just take your time. Grieving teaches you that your emotions are valid. You will go through the stages of grieving (not in any particular order): denial stage, anger/frustrated stage, depression stage, bargaining stage, and acceptance stage. You may travel through the stages during various parts of your life. It’s normal. Breathe and grieve.
- Just do it. Throw it away. Sale it. Leave the relationship. Let go of old friends. Get some new ones. Start your own business. Use your time wisely. Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Stop wasting time with the old; it no longer serves you.
- Don’t pick it back up. Yes, you will think about the old. The memories will come. But, what would happen if I would have taken my heating pad out of the trash can? Would it
now work? No! It still no longer serves me. Let it go, and do not pick it back up.
- Live your best life. Accept the why and the what: what you let go and why you let it go. Now, live. Find joy in living. Pick up a new hobby. Buy a better heating pad. Meet some people who love the new you. Hire a life coach or a therapist (I’m a firm believer that everyone needs one). Inspire yourself, and inspire others. You will survive, and you will be just fine. Know your worth. You are worthy. You are enough.
- Joy and Gratitude. My favorite. Find your happiness and your truth. It’s inside of you, not in others. Be grateful for being mature enough to let it go. Be grateful that you had the strength to leave. Be grateful that you have made room for MORE and BETTER in your life. Stand in joy and be amazed at just how much God loves you. Be filled with joy at just how much you have chosen to love YOU.
- Forgive. Probably the hardest. Forgiveness is THE healing process. It allows you to truly let go and accept. Whether you feel that the person deserves your forgiveness or not, you must forgive. Forgiveness is saying that you deserve a healthy, open heart. It opens up abundance and love in your life; it is essentially for you. I forgave my heating pad for no longer working when I needed it to work. I am grateful for the time that it worked for me, and I am grateful for the purpose that it served. Then, it was time to let it go. Choosing to not forgive blocks your blessings, abundance, and the “new” that you deserve.
- Prayer. Some people may think prayer is overrated, and some may think it’s underrated. It’s essential to life. Sometimes, in the midst of letting go, you need strength and courage that’s bigger than you. Pray. Pray. Pray. Then, surrender it. Through the process, continue to pray. Pray without ceasing, and you will see your best days. If you need a prayer partner, then our sacred prayer net will join forces with you.
Ultimately, the art of letting go is to choose to let go. It’s not an easy process. Remember, it took me weeks before I threw away my lifeless heating pad. It was an important part of my life journey as well as a lesson to learn in the process. But, the sooner you do it, the sooner you are on your healing journey to joy, authenticity, and your “new” to come. You are never alone in the process.
Divine Blessings to You
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