I have been in this space of living and teaching about the “how” and the “what” of living in constant overflow in which joy and peace are a continual state in your vibration. Like everything else in life, there are pros and cons to operating in this constant state. So, today’s post is about a specific shadow area of living in overflow. This happened to me a few months ago.
Common Shadow: Receiving Constant Overflow
I had a moment in which each day that I awakened from my slumber, I had a new opportunity in my email, and then throughout the day, more opportunities would come. Some of them I have never thought about in my life, and others were manifestations of things that were in my heart over time. I was speaking with a girlfriend, who is an avid user of The Heart Centered Decision Framework, and she told me, “Start with the heart centered opportunities.” I replied, “Girl, they are all heart centered.” “Uh-oh,” we thought. “What now?!”
That doesn’t sound bad, right?! And it’s not. However, once you live in this state, you will find that seemingly everything will come to you—- when you think something, when you dream something, it just *bloop* enters your presence and existence—- a job, a lover, a friend, a project, a client, ideas, money, something that adds to your joy, etc.
When it starts happening out of nowhere, you may find yourself in a space of overwhelm and eventually start resisting the good that’s flowing your way because now you are living in a constant abundant flow. You may think that it’s “too much” or happening “too fast.”
Anxiety may arise. Overwhelm may arise.
Good problems to have, right?! Until it becomes a part of your reality.
So, if this is your reality right now, your solution is to keep the flow coming (if they are heart centered choices, opportunities, decisions, etc)! You want to continue to send the message to the universe that you are open as well as expanding.
5 Strategies to Overwhelm Management
Here are 5 strategies to manage your overwhelm when living in overflow:
- Heart Centered Decisions Only: Make sure the things/choices that are flowing in are heart centered. If they aren’t, then yes, this is where your best “no” comes in. Set those boundaries to maintain your peace.
- Pause: Write it down. Date it. Not every idea or download that’s given to you is for you to work on right now. There will come a time in which you will use those ideas or downloads–this year, next year, next decade, etc. The Spirit doesn’t work on our timeline.
- Prioritize: Prioritize what fits your goals right now. If you try to do everything at once, it may take you forever to get it done. Focus your energy.
- Bless Someone Else: If you are constantly receiving a lot of things and offers, bless someone else. I would usually receive the things, and then, give them to people who actually need them and can use them. If it’s food galore, I would share it with people who I know would really enjoy a home cooked meal or just even groceries for their next meal. If it’s a project, sometimes, I would bring someone else on board that just needs a foot in the door. Use your overflow to assist in the building of others. It’s not just for you. Your cup being full is for you. The overflow is to assist in the blessing of others.
- Seek Higher Guidance: This is a beautiful time to ask your Spirit Guides, Creator, Source, Angels, etc. You are given this overflow for a reason. Yes, you have created the space for your expansion, and now, you have a calling to do something with it. They always have the answer. Get still and listen.
The strategies above serve as ways for you to start managing the overflow while still living in that constant state of joy. You don’t have to use all of the strategies. Some strategies will work better than others for certain opportunities and situations. Use your intuition and your judgment. Cheers to Your Overflow. You are so worthy. 💓
Share with us below.
What have been your most pressing issues when living a life in overflow?
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Please note: The information above is for educational purposes only. Please consult your physician, psychologist, therapist, and any other health professional that you need for the betterment of your body, mind, and spirit.
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